Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Do You Download Music?

Hello all,

I'm Courtney Souza and me and my group members, Katelyn Whitcher and Mandy Thomas, are doing a Broadcast News story for our class on the RIAA's action against Illegal music downloading.

If you are unaware-over 30 randomly chosen on campus students have been sent pre-lawsuits for illegally downloading music of the internet. The students can either choose to settle for about $3,000 or take the RIAA to court.

Do you have an opinion on this? Do you think it's unfair that these students were pinpointed? Do you download music and could careless about the RIAA? We want to know, we want your opinion.

If you could take a few minutes out of your day and talk to us about how you feel on this situation we would greatly appreciate it. You can make an impact.

E-Mail me if you are interested.



1 comment:

t.k.foster said...

I guess it impacted me in the sense that I would never download illegal music, but have switched to iTunes. However, I will say that previously before there was a service like that, a company asking people to pay fifteen bucks for a CD that usually only had one or two good songs was totally ridiculous. It's nice that there is an alternative that one can pay a dollar for a song and so on.

As far as suing students goes, the problem is that they are assuming that students were only suing the companies and never doing business with them. Case in point, the same problem has happened with YouTube putting clips of TV shows and certain channels saying that it is illegal. For one, I never watched South Park until one day when I stumbled across a clip of an episode I watched on YouTube which made me buy all nine seasons. Comedy Central made a lot of money off of me because of YouTube, just like some of these record companies have probably made money off of people downloading music, liking a cd, and then buying it.

Besides, if people really want to steal music, they will just burn copies of CDs for each other. The RIAA has not stopped theft, just a type of theft.