Monday, April 30, 2007

Suspect Allegedy Shot N.Y. Trooper, but Apparently the Trooper was Killed by "Friendly Fire"

HUH? Yes my thoughts exactly.

On April 26th The New York Times had an article titled "Suspect in N.Y. Trooper’s Death Is Presumed Dead". After briefly skimming the story I saw there was a related piece with a more personal view of the shooter, Travis Trim, 23. "A Young Man’s Troubled Path From Pride of His Family to Murder Suspect."

Immediately following my consumption of these two pieces were thoughts of the Virginia Tech shooting, the accessibility of guns, and how these two shooters were on opposite sides of the "mental" spectrum, yet still capable of taking lives. Or at least shooting at people in the case of Travis Trim.

I add this last sentence in because although the New York Time's article accuses Trim of killing a Trooper, he did no such thing. Yes he did shoot and injure trooper Matthew Gombosi, the previous day when he was pulled over in a stolen vehicle however the statement "The authorities said Mr. Trim then shot Trooper Brinkerhoff in the head..." is false.

In fact check out these other articles:

"Friendly fire apparently killed a New York state trooper as he searched a Catskill-area farmhouse for a suspect in the shooting of a colleague, officials said Friday. "

Daily News in the Globe-
"Friendly fire apparently killed a New York state trooper as he searched a farmhouse for a suspect in the shooting of a colleague, officials said yesterday."

Notice a trend?

Can someone please tell me why in these two leads it was "apparently" friendly fire that killed Trooper Brinkerhoff, but in the New York Times' article it was clearly factual that Trim did the slaying..."Mr. Trim then shot Trooper Brinkerhoff" Perhaps the authorities should get their facts straight before they go pointing fingers. No one seems to want to own up and say..."Oops my bad" there always has to be a scapegoat.

One example that comes to mind is the unfortunate death of ex-NFL star Pat Tillman. Tillman who left pro football to join the army was killed in Afghanistan in 2004. Then in 2005 it was released that the cause of his death was friendly fire as well. In fact his family is still fighting to find the truth to their son's honorable death.

This excerpt is from the San Francisco Chronicle"FAMILY DEMANDS THE TRUTH-New inquiry may expose events that led to Pat Tillman’s death"

According to testimony, Tillman, who along with others on the hill waved his arms and yelled “cease fire,” set off a smoke grenade to identify his group as fellow soldiers. There was a momentary lull in the firing, and he and the soldier next to him, thinking themselves safe, relaxed, stood up and started talking. But the shooting resumed. Tillman was hit in the wrist with shrapnel and in his body armor with numerous bullets.
The soldier next to him testified: “I could hear the pain in his voice as he called out, ‘Cease fire, friendlies, I am Pat f—ing Tillman, dammit.” He said this over and over until he stopped,” having been hit by three bullets in the forehead, killing him.

Granted officials are probably ashamed of the mistakes they've made. However,they should be freer about owning up to these accidents. How are we, the people, supposed to trust that they, the authority, are there to protect us when they hide imperative facts from us?

A lot of issues seem to tie into the story of this one gun man, as previously stated how did this guy get a gun? Some articles say he found it in the house he was charred in. Others say he stole it. Also in an interview on with Trim's friends they state that they have never seen Trim with a gun, so how? Also, why did Trim have possession of this weapon? And finally...are guns too easily available to the common public?

I've heard different verisons on how to get a gun, but apparently it isn't too hard.
They supposidely do background checks but do they have mental background checks? In the Virginia Tech case that shooter got a gun in a matter of hours...

"Markell said he was not in the shop when Cho bought the gun but said nothing stood out about the purchase. Cho produced a Virginia driver’s license, a checkbook with a matching address and an immigration card. Cho was a resident alien from South Korea."

Is it really THAT easy?!

Here's Katelyn Whitcher, a senior at UMass, with her opinion on gun laws and just guns in general.
<div><a href="">WS_30023.WMA</a></div>

The last part I would like to tie into this story is the fact that this guy was seemingly harmless. In the New York Times it was quoted by Alan Mulkin, the police chief in Canton, "that despite Mr. Trim’s combative behavior, “we really had no idea that he would be capable of taking another person’s life.”"

Although Trim didn't take another's life it was obvious he wasn't afraid too. If you look at the YouTube video of the shooter's friends you can see how stunned they are...

Granted it's hard to take these two people serious with the dog barking in the background and the look on that girls face...but these are two people in a state of complete awe.

So why did this guy shoot these troopers and put himself in a state to be killed? Well his father claims that...
"I don't know what happened at college," Trim said. "He got into trouble, and I guess his friends told him he was going to go to jail for a long time. It wasn't true. He died for nothing. He let stupidity and ignorance get the best of him."

So this guy was completely sane...well seemingly sane and because word of mouth got the best of him he took a flight over the coocoo's nest? It's amazing what the words of our peers will do to our minds. Makes you almost think back to the Virginia Tech shooter...granted he was deeply dark...what exactly made him that way?

Thursday, April 26, 2007

What Bush does in his Spare time...

Instead of strategizing a plan to get our troops out of Iraq and not completely demolish the entire country Bush likes to dance around and bang some drums. Bouncing Bush

The name of the Web site with this video is "This Progress" yes progress is what we need, to un-do everything the last administration has done and progress.

In the meantime, you can laugh at some of these...


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Great Media Moments

Fox News is Very Provocative...

Oh Good Lord!

Hahaha gets me everytime!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Do You Download Music?

Hello all,

I'm Courtney Souza and me and my group members, Katelyn Whitcher and Mandy Thomas, are doing a Broadcast News story for our class on the RIAA's action against Illegal music downloading.

If you are unaware-over 30 randomly chosen on campus students have been sent pre-lawsuits for illegally downloading music of the internet. The students can either choose to settle for about $3,000 or take the RIAA to court.

Do you have an opinion on this? Do you think it's unfair that these students were pinpointed? Do you download music and could careless about the RIAA? We want to know, we want your opinion.

If you could take a few minutes out of your day and talk to us about how you feel on this situation we would greatly appreciate it. You can make an impact.

E-Mail me if you are interested.



Thursday, April 12, 2007


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Promote Me!!!

Hey Everyone, I'm applying for this really big deal (well to me) internship with Katie Couric and the CBS News. PLEASE go to this link, watch it, if your feeling motivated sign up and rate me high!!!


Broadcast Story

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter at the White House

Check out the lovely pictures on the

This article is why I love checking back and reading the Wonkette, they take such serious matters and make them into absolute jokes.

Well, besides the Shrek one...

Monday, April 9, 2007

Fantasy Update

Well well well...look who did well their first week in Fantasy Baseball


I'm definitely not going to get cocky though because I still have no idea what I'm doing.

Heres my Stats:

Second place overall in the league- First in my Division

R- 29
HR- 5
RBI- 21
SB- 5
Avg batting- .2667

K- 23
W- 2
SV- 8 (yeaa boyysss)
ERA- 4.200
WHIP- 1.200 (whats this mean???)

Record for week-5-2-3

Thursday, April 5, 2007


The first podcast I decided to listen to was "Drink 'til we're funny" with Justin Deena and Jon. The two men are gay and the woman is straight. They've been friends for about 10 years and met in college. These people are HILARIOUS very provocative-not afraid to say anything. The cast I listened to was titled "Short, Dark, and curlies" (Pubic Hair) and they start out talking about the website Hot or Not and how there is definitely an inflation rate because almost everyone is rated between 9 and 10 when most of they are definitely no higher than a 5. Sometimes they are funny, sometimes boring, sometimes outlandish, and sometimes annoying, but overall very amusing. In the cast Deena talks about going to a Scuba Show, which she said, was much like soft-core gay porn. There were men everywhere some chiseled some extremely fat and she wondered how they got into wetsuits. But even more there were cardboard cutouts all over of half naked men some even without suits (not tuxes) with only scuba gear on...

I'm not sure if I'm going to subscribe to it on Itunes or not, but I'll probably go back and check it out now and then

The second podcast I watched was also on iTunes and in the comedy section, but this one had video. "Happy Tree Friends" was the name and it was an explicit video of cute lil cartoon animals with an extremely high-pitched LALA voice. The first one I watched called "Eye Candy" I actually had to stop after 30 seconds of watching because it was literally Eye- Candy....the pink lil fuzzy creature was eating a lollipop and LA LA ing along when it trips over a log causing it to fall and having the lollipop protrude into the eye of the creature. I HATE eyes....the eye then flung out of the socket and the red vein wrapped around a near by tree. This is where I stopped it. lol

So instead I watched, which was titled "Staying Alive" was just as violent but didn't involve eyes so I was ok. lol Instead it started with two lil fuzzy creatures LALAing at a tea-party n eating cookies when a disco ball drops from the ceiling hitting one on the head. This disco fuzzy creature then appears while dancing and grabs the pink fuzzy creature and makes it dance, but it doesn't want to leading the disco guy to push it into the table and having the tea pot crack and get embedded into its head squirting blood in all directions. As the LALAs turn to AAHHHWAAHHWAHHs the disco man grabs the other but tosses it into an electric fence causing it to...well become electrocuted.

Since I am sitting on my laptop on the Pita Pit...I would assume anyone who walked by while this was playing would automatically think I'm a nutcase.

Also- This is definitely NOT Journalism

Sniff Sniff

So it's old news by now, I would assume...
Keith Richards snorted his father's ashes mixed with otherwords he laced his coke with his Daddy. I want to know what people think about this.
I mean, is it weird that I actually am not appaulled by this? Granted my father is cremated and sitting on the night stand in my mother's room, but I'd never even consider sniffing him up my nose. Well actually I don't even know how to open the urn, but that's besides the point. Also I would never do cocaine. On one hand, I think that it's kind of cool, now his father is apart of him- literally.

Then again, I think well how would I feel about being snorted?
If you dont do coke, maybe you can just roll up the ashes into a joint and smoke your loved ones?

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Global Warming For Dumbies

Check out this cartoon from An Inconvenient Truth...Maybe it will help you understand global warming a tad bit more....and give you a chuckle lol