When asked to check out a forum I decided since it is Thursday and I've been in suspense all week I might as well check out a forum on Grey's Anatomy.
The forum off of televisionwithoutpity.com has frustrated me in a number of ways. First off, when talking about speculation for upcoming episodes they are all discussing a main character being killed off- which as of now is looking like Mer since she is in an afterlife scene with the Bomb guy, and Denny. However, it's obvious the death can't be Meredith because- she's "Grey" and it is well, "Grey's Anatomy" which I know is a total play on the real Gray's Anatomy but still that's way too drastic for the show. Look at what happened when The OC killed off Misha Barton aka- "Coop"- the show most definitely died with her.
The people of the forum are looking towards Izzy to die which- excuse me- is not happening I've really started to like Izzy and she just got out of her only watching as an intern experience. She's finally back in action and they are going to kill her? No Way
"Shonda has a habit of making us swing from loving to hating a character and back again. Izzy has been quite unlikable lately. How quickly would people's attitudes turn around if suddenly she was dead. An added benefit to this scenario would be the guilt that Bailey would have for selecting Izzy over Cristina to be the fifth person on the ambulance. Not to mention the clinic that would be left behind as a constant reminder of her time at Seattle Grace."
How dare they say Izzy has been quite "unlikeable" what show have you been watching because I'm pretty sure the girl just drilled 5 holes in some guys head with a drill and saved his life- unlikeable- more like unbelievable.
The other thing I have to attack these "Grey's Gossip" people on is their hate of McDreamy. One- how could you hate those amazing blue eyes and two- HOW COULD YOU HATE THOSE AMAZING BLUE EYES??
"My friend and I were talking and, as much as we would loathe this, as we are Team Addison Away From McDouche, we just have this... feeling that Addison and Derek are gonna hit the sheets again. We don't know when or why but we can both see it happening. ::ducks::"
"Eeew no!!! Anything but that. I'd even listen to Izzie pontificating for a month just as long as they don't bring McAsshat anywhere near Addy. No no no, it can't be... *Excuse me, in my horror I feel I need to barf*"
McDouche and McAsshat? I think not- He will forever be McDreamy to me.
Also I forsee Addison and Alex getting together- not a reunion of the divorsees.
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