Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Al Gore A Sense of Humor and an Oscar???

So Al Gore can't exactly win a Presidency but apparently he can win an Oscar and has a sense of humor. On the they have a blurb entitled "Al Gore Wins Oscar, Promptly Agrees to Star in 'Snow Dogs 2: An Inconvenient Pooch.'" Heres a clip of him at the Oscars looking studly next to Leo...oh and he's actually kind of funny...

While the rumors of Gore taking another stab at becoming President don't appear to be true, it would be quite interesting to see what the impact of his movie making would be on his campaign. Perhaps it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing to have a President that was fully aware and brought attention to the matter of global warming. I don't exactly want to be living underwater in a few years.

Other interesting fact from the According to the Sunday's Washington Post Al Gore has been our coolest Ex-Vice President ever.

1 comment:

DPop said...

The video from is perfect to include with this story.